Something that I have been focusing on when it comes to my astrology practice and learning is tuning into the North Node (NN). In our Natal Charts, the North Node represents what you are meant to reach for in this life. The NN is often associated with our destiny and can shed light on why we gravitate toward specific themes, energies or interests. When examining the transits and how they relate to us and our ultimate soul Journey - should we be connecting with the NN regularly? And how much weight do we give to the current NN? To be 100 percent honest, when I was beginning my astrology journey I completely ignored the North and South Nodes. I dismissed it as irrelevant to the present moment (and therefore less important in my readings at the time) because it represented our life's purpose and the main lesson we are meant to learn. I was reluctant to use such terminology as “destiny” or “life's purpose” which is why the NN didn't call to me. Since then, having practised astrology for over 6 years now, exiting another spiritual awakening and working through a lot of personal reflection- I now understand why working with the NN regularly can be very impactful for our personal growth and overall journey. Previously I thought “Why to focus on the ideal? Why understand the NN if you are not there yet, it just gives me self doubt and disappointment”. Now, I understand that your perception of the NN/your destiny and life purpose can fluctuate with your experience and as you get older. An important thing to remember is that Astrology does not have to be viewed as predeterministic or set in stone (however there are different schools of thought who prefer to see astrology as predeterminism and that is okay). Consider how astrology is a tool to check in with yourself and your personal growth. By this, I mean using astrology to ask yourself thought provoking questions, address the energy you are working through, what thoughts remain “unseen” or what you are avoiding.
Understanding your NN placement can help you understand why you feel reluctant to put effort into something. Yes, the NN can indicate what you might feel naturally drawn to but that doesn't mean that these things come easy and as humans, we often feel that pull of reluctance or laziness when it comes to putting effort into some of the life themes indicated by the NN. If you use astrology in this way, the NN can help connect you to confidence, trust and adjustment when needed. Let me walk you through some personal scenarios. My NN is 29 degrees Libra in my 8th house which puts focus on personal transformation and deep relationships with other people. Another delineation of this placement is working with the paradox of perfection and imperfection, interest in the hidden mysteries and romantic relationships. For most of my life until my mid 20s, I was hyper focused on getting a romantic partner - this strong desire could be explained by North Node. When experiencing the ups and downs in my romantic life I found comfort in understanding that these desires activated by my NN was something that I would achieve throughout my life, and I had a lot of lessons to learn. Interpreting my placement in this way helped me understand that I needed to see my failures in relationships as growth and stay aware of the lessons being taught to me. They are part of the process. Interpreting this placement also helped me understand that I was missing a major focus in my life - personal transformation. I was so focused on relationships that I dismissed being honest and active with my personal growth and ways I needed to grow before I could have successful relationships. My life has greatly improved when I am connecting with my personal goals and psychological and spiritual growth. Now that I have my Romantic relationship in a good place (getting married in 2023 woo!) and have regular self care process and support system for my inner work, the NN is revealing a new layer of life lessons. Intimate relationships with other people. The jury is still out on how this will resolve or show up, but I am recognizing that I need to extend myself outward and connect more with others on a deeper level. By regularly checking in with the meaning of my NN placement and how it shows up in my life I am less afraid, ashamed and disappointed in the lessons I am currently learning. I have more clarity on a major life lesson I am moving through and am more comfortable being honest, confronting it and making adjustments when needed. Now, lets look at examples of the NN in transit. Currently, the North Node is in Taurus. Looking at the NN alone in transit represents the quality we need in order to grow. This could mean that as a collective we all need to adopt some Taurus qualities over its time there which ends in July 2023. The Taurus NN can call us all to adopt behaviors that stabilize, nourish and support ourselves, families, communities. We may focus on Venusian themes such as sex, arts, sensuality and Todays NN in Taurus is opposite my natal moon sign and inconjunct (150 degrees) to my natal NN. With this point interacting with my natal moon sign There is an undercurrent of emotional energy and growth that will need more attention in order for me to uncover and work with it clearly. These are ways that the NN in Taurus has influenced topics related to my natal NN. Before looking into this for this article these feelings have been quite prominent in my life, in my personal work and internal dialogue.
So, What do I do with this? After examining this I am better prepared to evaluate my goals. Q:Have any of my big goals actually correlated with the above evaluation of the NN? A: NO - they are all about business. Q:Why do I have business goals? A:Because I feel like I need to be super successful in the way our current cultural standard identifies it. Q: What Goals can I create that are more aligned with what the NN is telling me? A: Goal 1: To commit to understanding my relationship with food and how it influences both my relationships and personal well being (I identify as a compulsive overeater, see Overeaters Anonymous for more info). Goal 2: Make Goals with my partner, if they are about money or business, understand that the goal is coming from a place of working with my partner, supporting him and having mutual trust and understanding. And the dialogue can continue from there. In conclusion, understanding your North Node and the “Long Game Life Goal” assigned to you in this life provides a guideline for evaluating your goals and dreams. Adding the interpretation of the present day NN and how it interacts with your astrology allows you to adjust goals based on how the energy is working for you, using your natal NN as a guiding point to come back to. If you are interested in examining your North Node in this way - Book an astro check in with me here and type North Node in the notes!
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SARAH GOLDSMITHAstrologer, Past Life Regression Therapist and Intuitive. Sarah writes articles on current astro happenings, historical astro interpretations and spiritual topics.
May 2024