Aries The Sun moves into Pisces, and we are 4 weeks away from Aries Season. The energy over these next four weeks is here to help you release your old skin and recognize the new roles you are stepping into. With Mars in Gemini having a huge influence over your communication and self-expression since August, you need to evaluate how you need to change the way you think and communicate. Yes, you read the right; change the way you think. This is easier said than done so you need to consider where you have been close-minded and if that has kept you in a place of struggle and resistance. Notice where you can release your old ways of thinking and communicating, which will help Aries season usher in an exciting time of renewal. Pisces With the Sun in your sign, Pisces placements gather a lot of strength. Pisces has the ability to flow and trive in cycles of death and rebirth - you are at a rebirth part of a cycle; how are you going to use it? This new cycle can relate to anything in your life but remember that your goals and visions step from parts of yourself. To achieve any new goals, you need to change yourself, re-define and begin new habits. For example, you could be committed to being a writer and have made a goal to complete a project soon. Have you started calling yourself a writer yet? Have you carved out time to write regularly? Perhaps you are at another level of commitment ot this goal and need to get an agent. The Point i am trying to make here is that your goals won’t get going without you self-motivating and defining yourself as someone with that goal. No more hiding, Pisces!! With Mars finishing up its time in Gemini in your 4th house, this is a month where you are setting some roots down and growing strong foundational practices to reach your goals. Aquarius Money, Money, Money, Must be funny, In a Rich mans World. The Sun (and soon your ruling planet, Saturn) moves into Pisces and hits your house of finances and material items. This could bring a phase of restructuring around your budget. You may feel some resistance towards budgeting, but now is the time to evaluate and consider your money goals. I was recently reminding that Money is in fact a thing, energy we have a relationship with and now is the time for you to evaluate that relationship. Are you approaching it in a loving way, or do you say that money stresses you out? With Venus and Mars influencing your perspectives at this time, it is THE BEST time for you to redefine your perception of money. This will allow you do have more of the type of relationship you want with the money. If you are in a place where you are spending (and the world is telling you to worry about it), work with positive money talk such as “what I spend comes back to me twofold because I love money and money loves me.” Capricorn Pisces season brings a rise in vibration for Capricorns, at least; that is how I see it. The Sun and, later, Saturn activate your 3rd house in new ways. The 3rd house is where your self-expression and communication are; Pisces asks you to connect to your authentic self and consider where your speech and interpretations have been influenced by outside sources. What do YOU want to think/feel/believe? Is it what you have been feeling? Saturn's presence in your 3rd house over the next 2.5 years is going to ask you to stand up for yourself more and to reinvent your standards when it comes to expression and giving and receiving information. As humans, we do not often consider if we are good listeners or if we perceive information objectively. This month challenges you to confront where you may be lazy or biased when it comes to communication and provides the beginning of correcting those habits Sagittarius Family, roots and foundational beliefs. Pisces season brings a combination of energies where you may re-evaluate your relationship dynamics and begin to acknowledge significant changes that have influenced your general structure of life. This is because Pisces and, later, Saturn enter your 4th house of family, home and foundations. You are entering a 2.5-year cycle of new energy when it comes to home and family; Mars has been in your relationships zone since August and will leave this month; there is likely a buildup of energy in your relationships that is leading to these home and family developments. With Venus moving from your 5th to 6th house this seaso you are likely to have a burst of passionate energy, this could be creative energy and getting stuff done or arguments and misunderstandings so, be mindful. Toward the end of Pisces season Venus in Taurus brings you back down to earth and helps you organize your day-to-day life. Scorpio Scorpy Scorp. With the Sun in a fellow Water Sign, this is time for you to support your goals, and anything you pay has begun around October - November (Scorpio Season). If you hit obstacles and procrastination, that is okay - Venus in Aries is helping you tackle re-adjusting your routine aggressively. Allow your self to try new things and change your day-to-day to support your goals and dreams. Keep the energy you want to attract in mind and strive daily to work towards that. Mars in Gemini has been subduing your 8th house for seven months,. You have been meant to undergo specific subconscious changes and deal with secrets or insecurities. At the end of March, you are coming out of this phase and soon will be time to celebrate! For now, work with recognizing what you need to fix - I am saying this so you don't ignore things and jump into an “everything is going to be found soon” attitude; you really do have some work to do this season if you want to see change. This is especially true when it comes to creative projects and working towards your energetic alignment. Libra Pisces calls in 6th house energy for Libras. This feels like health and structure, but without some emotional realization and commitment struggles. Check in with all parts of your health - Mental, Physical, Spiritual, Sexual, and Social. What part fo your health do you need to prioritize? Sometimes simple steps are the way to go. Interestingly enough, Venus, your ruling planet, moves into your 7th house this season and activates a period of self-reflection - you may tend to deflect and want to turn your focus on to others, but it's okay to be a little selfish when working with others - consider: What are they teaching me at this moment? How can I learn from the experience and perceptions of other people? You need to practice self-evaluation bright now, Libra, because this is the halfway point through some of your larger cycles (if you are a Libra Sun, it is halfway through your solar year). Mars in Gemini has been asking you to expand your mind and explore since August - this period is coming to an end on March 28th, so use this combination of energy well before it shifts at the end of the month. Virgo Pisces season highlights your relationship to all things, Virgo. The Sun in your seventh house may activate romantic encounters and serious conversations within your relationships. March 7th brings a Full Moon in Virgo which lets us know you are at the culmination of an emotional cycle. You have reached a point where you need to choose something; to commit to staying in your current way of being or commit to moving forward. What will it be? Pisces season will always be a bit strange for you because it asks you to confront yourself interestingly - how are you showing up in your relationships? With Venus and Mars activating significant life areas of ambition and change, this is a time to recognize where your perspective needs to shift. You may need to stop living in denial or negativity around a situation and focus on what YOU can control instead of making choices with other people in mind. Leo You are in a season of change, Leo. Mars in Gemini has been handing you obstacles and causing confusion regarding your energy and aspirations; Pisces season is the last month that Mars will be here and allows you to get some clarity regarding how to spend your energy best. The Sun in Pisces, and later Saturn, Activate your 8th house, which focuses on your personal transformation. The combination of activations here can cause you to turn inward and want to be a little more silent and reflective. As a Leo myself, my biggest tip is to schedule a date to be social and around your people so that you can allow yourself the alone time needed to work through some of these more profound thoughts. Venus moving through your 9th and 10th house this season also supports you in being actively aware of the new information and opportunities before you; there is a lovely driving force of peace and excitement supporting you. Cancer Pisces season is a time of expansion for you, Cancer. As a fellow water Sign, this season supports your natural state of flow and emotional response. Your 9th, 10th and 12th houses are simultaneously activated the first 3 weeks of the season, which tells us a few essential things. First, you are asked to explore new opportunities and interests. This is prime time for your mind to expand. Second, harmony in your career is coming in; this may start with a perceived disruption or need to step outside of your comfort zone, but don't worry, it is just Venus in Aries bringing in something suddenly that is for the best. Mars in Gemini has been aggravating your house of Spirituality. Have you been struggling to let something go? The third thing this combination of energy tells us is that you will become more aware of what types of people, habits, and mindsets are taking up too much room in your life; you are reaching the end of a cycle and are now being able to understand what it is you need to let go of and put trust in the universe to handle. Gemini Pisces season is the last season where Mars is in Gemini the whole time, early Aries Season Mars shifts into Cancer. Mars in your sign has been causing some trouble for the past seven months, particularly bringing stagnation or confusion in life areas it activates. For you, this would be your life area of self. Consider where the past 6 months have led you to self-reflect and confront old issues (or issues you never knew you had). Pisces season is the perfect time to extend compassion toward yourself and fully prepare to heal from these things. The Sun is activating your Career and Ambition. When we are not mindful, we tend to relate career to outer circumstances like finances and perceptions of success, this is an opportunity for you to consider your ambitions from a place of personal desire and true self. Venus moving through your 11th and 12th houses during this time assists in bringing you ease when it comes to evaluating energy and working with your spiritual side or subconscious energy to help you come to realizations and decisions. Taurus Pisces season is about 60 days from when the Sun enters Taurus, which brings in the energy of ending and releasing for you. The following two months are a time for not focusing too much on planning and logic but working on your mindfulness and presence. Do not stress about the details this season - you will only bring yourself the frustration. Venus in Aries is aggressively getting you to slow down and consider your spiritual self; the themes you consider during this time will support your new beginnings when the Sun enters Taurus. Mars in Gemini has been stirring up confusion in your house regarding material items and finances, this will change in the next five weeks. You could notice that a significant source of your self-reflection is how you’ve reacted to money and investments over the past six months. Is there a balance between your focus on material things and your emotional self? Pisces season wants you to work with mindful ways of keeping balance and maintaining your stress levels.
SARAH GOLDSMITHAstrologer, Past Life Regression Therapist and Intuitive. Sarah writes articles on current astro happenings, historical astro interpretations and spiritual topics.
September 2024